
2013 Goals and A Look Back at 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I have great hope for 2013- I thought I would share my goals for 2013 with you- I have gone back and forth on sharing them- but I think I will be most successful if I am held accountable- because if you all know about it and I do it in secret that would be an integrity issue..SO, I am really going to try to keep these going. I pray my 2014 post will say...I met all of my goals!
I have one personal goal, one spiritual goal, one parenting goal and one spouse goal!

1. PERSONAL: I am going to give up all dessert for the entire year!!! I think it is good to practice self discipline- it is good for the girls to see me practice self discipline too! I have a sweet tooth, but I know I can do it! One Year...No dessert!
2. SPIRITUAL: I want to spend time with the Lord EVERY DAY...no skipping. I have been so busy with the holidays and the girls that I have sacrificed my time with the Lord a bit- not necessarily my prayer time, but my sitting quietly studying His word time. I am really going to try to give that time back to him.
3. PARENTING: I am going to REALLY try to turn off my computer and phone in the mornings before nap time- I get a bit out of control with the "social media checking"- so I am going to try to give that time to my girls exclusive of technology. I only have 9 more months with Ellie in the mornings until she is in 1st grade and gone all day- I don't want to waste this time!
4. SPOUSE: I am going to really focus on dating my man this year- he works so many hours during the week that I can get into a mode- when he is home on the weekends I am trying to get a million things done. I am going to focus on booking babysitters more often for time alone with him.

There you go- 4 simple things to focus on this year! Big goals- and a lot of self discipline- but it will reap great rewards if I stick to it!

Just for fun, Here are my top 10 favorite DelightfulMomStuff things from 2012:
1. I finally figured out how to make the social media buttons "pretty" have you seen them at the top right of the page- it literally took me months to figure that out- aren't they pretty! :)
2. The sleeping articles- they have brought me so many new "friends" and so many blessings and at the same time they have made me a stronger person for having so many "haters".
3. THIS is my favorite recipe of 2012- it is just the yummiest!
4. I still strive to be the mom I talked about in this article: Who's the Boss 
5. I cherish the journaling my grandma and mother did for Milly- I talked about it HERE.
6. My #2 most popular article is Give it Up I cant for the life of me figure out why? I wonder if the title is provocative and people click on it and go- OH, a lent article! :)
7. I like THIS post- makes me a) long for summer and LAKE TIME! b) miss sweet Bentley and c) reminds me how quickly time passes that my sweet Milly was 6 months old...yesterday (or so it seems)
8. My big girl started Kindergarten...time FLIES! HERE  and HERE
9. You know I am not a DIYer but I still love all of these things: Chalk it Up
10. Finally- we feel so extremely blessed by our new home in 2012- the Lord blew us away with blessings! HERE

There you go- thank you for hangin' with me in 2012!

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